Scoliosis Treatments

Scoliosis is a medical condition in which abnormal spinal curvature is present. With scoliosis, the spine’s curvature is “S” or “C-shaped” when viewed from the front or back. Scoliosis can cause a variety of symptoms, depending on the condition’s severity. If you live in the greater Greensboro, Sedgefield, and Jamestown, NC, vicinity, Dr. Lee Stafford at Equilibrium Chiropractic offers noninvasive, effective treatment options for scoliosis patients’ symptoms.

Scoliosis, which can potentially impact anyone at any age, is typically most common for girls during their developmental or adolescent years. The exact cause remains yet to be known; however, experience and history suggest that scoliosis has genetic factors and is associated with muscular dystrophy or cerebral palsy.

However, the severity of the condition varies significantly – with many individuals successfully managed using noninvasive chiropractic and complementary treatment techniques.

Scoliosis Symptoms

For most, these are the typical scoliosis symptoms -

  • One’s Shoulder, waist, or rib cage is uneven, and a shoulder blade may be more pronounced.
  • One’s Head is off-center or noticeably shifted to one side.
  • Some individuals experience varying levels of back pain, although back pain is not always present as a symptom of scoliosis. This may also include muscle fatigue and weakness.
  • Severe scoliosis can potentially reduce mobility and make it challenging to perform simple tasks.

More severe scoliosis conditions may include the following –

  • Digestive Issues – these are generated by excessive pressure placed on the stomach and intestines.  
  • Breathing Issues – these are generated by a compromised lung function.

Scoliosis Treatments Offered by Chiropractors

Chiropractors provide a combination of techniques and services that can help to reduce discomfort, stiffness, and pain. These may include -

  • Spinal Adjustments/Manipulations – gentle manual manipulation adjusts the spine’s vertebrae and alignment.
  • Therapeutic Exercises & Stretching - can improve mobility, circulation, balance, coordination, and more.
  • K Laser Therapy – or LLLT (low level laser therapy) uses noninvasive and painless red and near-infrared lasers that can -
    • Help injuries heal faster.
    • Enhance nerve function.
    • Reduce pain and the potential need for surgery when addressing musculoskeletal injuries, trauma, disorders, and painful-related symptoms.

In addition, Dr. Stafford provides lifestyle modification advice as this helps you proactively take control of your health and condition -  

  • Posture improvement.
  • Keeping an appropriate, healthy weight.
  • Avoiding those activities known to aggravate the condition or its related symptoms.  

Reach Out to a Leading Greensboro Chiropractor

If you would like additional information regarding options for scoliosis treatments, please contact Dr. Stafford or a member of our Equilibrium Chiropractic staff at 336-763-0084 or online.

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2:30 pm-4:30 pm


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2:30 pm-6:30 pm


7:30 am-1:00 pm

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Equilibrium Chiropractic PLLC - Greensboro/Sedgefield/Jamestown

Improving the Health and Quality of Life in Greensboro!